FLAF - Flexible LAW-based Analysis Framework. Task workflow managed is done via LAW (Luigi Analysis Framework).
How to install¶
Setup ssh keys:
- On GitHub settings/keys
- On CERN GitLab profile/keys
Clone the repository:
git clone --recursive git@github.com:cms-flaf/Framework.git FLAF
Create a user customisation file
. It should contain all user-specific modifications that you don't want to be committed to the central repository. Below is example of minimal content of the file (replaceUSER_NAME
with your values):fs_default: - 'T3_CH_CERNBOX:/store/user/USER_NAME/ANA_FOLDER/' fs_anaCache: - 'T3_CH_CERNBOX:/store/user/USER_NAME/ANA_FOLDER/' fs_anaTuple: - 'T3_CH_CERNBOX:/store/user/USER_NAME/ANA_FOLDER/' fs_anaCacheTuple: - 'T3_CH_CERNBOX:/store/user/USER_NAME/ANA_FOLDER/' fs_histograms: - 'T3_CH_CERNBOX:/store/user/USER_NAME/ANA_FOLDER/histograms/' fs_json: - 'T3_CH_CERNBOX:/store/user/USER_NAME/ANA_FOLDER/jsonFiles/' analysis_config_area: config/HH_bbtautau compute_unc_variations: true store_noncentral: true
How to load environment¶
Following command activates the framework environment:
source env.sh
For the new installation or after you implement new law tasks, you need to update the law index:
law index --verbose
Initialize voms proxy:
voms-proxy-init -voms cms -rfc -valid 192:00