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Common analysis steps


  • commands bellow assume that ERA variable is set. E.g.

    Alternatively you can add ERA=Run2_2016; ... in front of each command.

  • version argument alows to produce different versions of the same task. In the command below --version dev is used for illustration purposes. You can replace it with your version naming.

  • --workflow can be htcondor or local. It is recommended to develop and test locally and then switch to htcondor for production. In examples below --workflow local is used for illustration purposes.
  • when running on htcondor it is recommended to add --transfer-logs to the command to transfer logs to local.
  • --customisations argument is used to pass custom parameters to the task in form param1=value1,param2=value2,... IMPORTANT for HHbbTauTau analysis: if running using deepTau 2p5 add --customisations deepTauVersion=2p5
  • if you want to run only on few files, you can specify list of branches to run using --branches argument. E.g. --branches 2,7-10,17.
  • to get status, use --print-stauts N,K where N is depth for task dependencies, K is depths for file dependencies. E.g. --print-status 3,1.
  • to remove task output use --remove-output N,a, where N is depth for task dependencies. E.g. --remove-output 0,a.
  • it is highly recommended to limitate the maximum number of parallel jobs running adding --parallel-jobs M where M is the number of the parallel jobs (e.g. M=100)

Create input file list

law run InputFileTask  --period ${ERA} --version dev

Create anaCache

law run AnaCacheTask  --period ${ERA} --version dev

Create anaTuple

law run AnaTupleTask --period ${ERA} --version dev

Merge data

law run DataMergeTask --period ${ERA} --version dev
  • note: It's very important to first run InputFileTask then the other tasks dependencies are automatically fixed (e.g. if running AnaTupleTask without AnaCacheTask, it will first run AnaCacheTask then AnaTupleTask). If you do not run InputFileTask, running other tasks will raise error.